b'.inspiring Indigenous role models - if you can see it you can be it ,What makes us deadly:Our focusOur plan for 2022-2026 is to:ourpoint of differenceOur focus areas for the next fivecontinue delivering our ProgramAt GO, we have a strength-basedyears include Culture, Story, Delivery,in Sydney, Adelaide andCanberraapproach and place culture andSustainability and Capability.deepen our relationship with our education at the heart of everythingyoung people to ensure we build we do. We deliver a holistic ProgramAs an Aboriginal managed and governedon the growth and engagement in that includes cultural and aspirationalorganisation, we will always put culturethese areas - have a greater focus connection days, access to professionalat the heart of everything we do toon supporting the transition to high opportunities and financial support.ensure our young people have accessschool for year 5 and 6 studentsto a program with a strong cultural lenscreate an alumni network and We will remain focused on what setsthat builds pride in culture and identity.showcase the talented Indigenous us apart, including:Advocacy is important to us and we willyoung people at our fingertips supporting students where they areuse our collective voice humbly andmeasure the impact produced byon their education journey, with arespectfully on matters that align withthe GO Scholarship Programparticular focus on students in publicIndigenous education and our mission build a strong, sustainable financial education because thats where theof empowering througheducation.future for the GO Foundation so we majority of our young mob are - thecan support more young people in eldest child and role modellingweWe will think deeply about our celebrate Indigenous excellence andadvocacy role and partner withmeaningful and lasting ways. ensure our GO Scholars have accessorganisations where we can, to ensureWhat will make us to inspiring Indigenous role models -we have a stronger and shared voice.evendeadlier if you can see it, you can be it female focus - awarding more thanOur partnersOur next five years will be focused half of our scholarships to girls, inGO is committed to developingon consolidating our delivery model recognition of the important andmeaningful and long-term partnershipsand growing further in our current powerful role women play in familiesthat nurture deep collaboration andfootprint. Beyond this time, any and communities and to ensureimpact. We partner with organisationsfuture expansion will be evidence-Indigenous girls thrivealigned with our values and beliefs andbased, will not duplicate effort, and building aspiration, inspiration,that match and support the aspirations ofwill be underpinned by sustainable resilience and confidence in ourour young people. By partnering with thepartnerships. Further national GOScholars.right organisations, those committed toexpansion will be considered in the meaningful change rather than short- next strategy period. We award scholarships acrossterm solutions, we can secure the futureWe want to be guided by our young 100 schools, including public andof our foundation. A secure future meanspeople. We will be doing some work independent, and six universities inwe can grow our Program and guaranteewith them to find out what it is they Sydney, Adelaide and Canberra. Tosupport and opportunities for our GOwant to do and how we can continue date, we have awarded more thanstudents for the life of their schooling.to support them. We are committed 1,200 scholarships and our roadmapto being a leader in the education will ensure we continue to increase our numbers at a steady pace by 2026. Our priorities during thisscholarship sector and having greater strategy periodimpact to improve outcomes for young Indigenous people, their families, We will give careful consideration andcommunities. to defining our model so we are clear on who its for and how it is scalable for greater impact. 2023 ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 13'