b'Alumni events recognised the amazing achievements of our alumni. We wrapped up the A big focus for GO this year wasnight having a bit of fun with some coming together with our AlumniIndigenous trivia.Network and deepening theThese sessions not only gave us the connections we have made with ouropportunity to build relationships with students. We chose to do this with our students, but they allowed us to a series of events throughout 2023, gather information and gain feedback the inaugural event was held at about how we can further support Sydney Swans HQ in May. students on their education journeys More than 30 of our alumni gatheredand beyond. We deeply value our alongside our staff and specialwhole network of students and alumni, guests, GO Ambassador Anita Heissand cannot wait for more opportunities and Sydney Swans AFLW Playerto get together.Development Manager Lindsay Berne. The event included a yarning circle,a networking dinner, and awards that 26 GO FOUNDATION'