b"GOs 1,000th Scholar:Latisha ElphickWhen Latisha made the decision to apply for a GO scholarship, she saw it as an opportunity to elevate her education and enhance her academic performance. I decided to apply for a GO scholarship because I believed it was a fantastic opportunity to boost my education and improve my school grades, Latisha explained. It was about investing in my future and taking my learning to the next level. Reaching 1,000 scholarship recipientsbut also role models who've inspired wasnt just a significant milestoneme to learn more about Indigenous for GO, it was also a big momentculture and work towards greater for Latisha. Becoming the 1,000thunderstanding and appreciation.recipient of the GO scholarship was an incredible feeling. It was not just aLatisha's aspirations extend beyond personal milestone, but also a reminderher personal growth. She envisionsHer passion for her cultural of how far GO has come in supportingusing her education to create a positivebackground and her community fuels students like me. Knowing that thereimpact on her community, with aher drive to create positive change: were 999 other students who had beenfocus on social work in AboriginalI have a strong commitment to my helped by GO before me was bothcommunities: Throughout my higheducation, and I am actively pursuing humbling and inspiring. It made meschool years, I've always had aopportunities to work in a social, appreciate the organisation's dedicationclear vision of how I want to useculturally safe environment whereto education and the impact it had onmy education to make aI can apply my knowledge and skills so many lives. Being a part of thatpositive impact on myto make a positive impact.legacy felt great, and it motivated me tocommunity. continue striving for success, just like the countless others GO has supported over the years.The scholarship brought about a significant transformation in Latisha's life: Receiving this scholarship has made a significant difference in my life. It not only eased the financial burden but also empowered me to reach my full potential in my education.Latishas role models have playeda pivotal role in shaping her character, with Indigenous teachers and her school's Indigenous team ignitingher appreciation for her culture:My hardworking parents have taught me the value of determination, perseverance and hard work through seeing their own efforts. Indigenous teachers and our school's Indigenous team have not only been exceptional educators"