b"Big Lunch discussion, before being entertainedby the Nancy Bates Duo, Rob EdwardsIt was a big year for the Bigand treated to goodie bags donatedLunch, with GO hosting our mostby David Jones.successful Sydney event andAt our Sydney event in Augustour inaugural lunch in Adelaide.2022, it was amazing to see allAlmost 400 supporters attendedour supporters gather in person across both locations to raise anfor the first time since COVID-19 incredible $326,000 for GO.restrictions were eased. All four ofAfter five years of the Big Lunch inour ambassadors came together on Sydney, we were thrilled to hostthe day, with Black Douglas kickingthe inaugural Adelaide Big Lunch inoff the event with a Yidaki (didgeridoo) partnership with Bird in Hand Wineryperformance, Anita Heiss speaking in March 2023. The Bird in Hand team,as our MC, Brooke Boney leading the led by Andrew Nugent, pulled out allpanel discussion with our co-founders the stops to ensure the event was oneAdam and Michael, and Dan Sultan to remember.doing a special performance during the event. Our event also showcasedThe formalities began with a Welcomea beautiful performance byto Country by Uncle Mickey O'Brien,GO student Mariah Alone.who was later joined by students from Cornerstone School who spokeThese events wouldnt be possible in Peramangk, the local Aboriginalwithout our amazing partners, language, and donated paintedsupporters, and individual donors footballs which kicked off our auctionwhose generosity make the Big Lunch for the day. There were some fantasticsuch a success every year. Their prizes donated from the likes of thesupport, whether through donating Sydney Swans, Adelaide Crows, Accorraffle prizes, goodie bags, promoting and Holidays of Australia. Followingthe event, volunteering or just showing the auction, attendees enjoyed a panelup, makes a huge difference.2023 ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 25"