b"2023 IN FOCUS: 1,000 GO PROGRAM RECIPIENTS,Empowering Indigenous people.since day oneIn 2009, on Barkindji Countryin the small town of Dareton NSW, Adam Goodes and Michael O'Loughlin brought a long-held idea to lifeto deliver initiatives that support and enrich the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia. In the early days, Michael and Adam providedIn less than 10 years, GO has supported more support to various community programs thatthan 1,200 students across Sydney, Adelaide and focused on promoting healthy lifestyles, providingCanberra, and collaborated with more than 100 vocational training opportunities for Indigenousschools and universities. And its not just this students, and donating sports uniforms andgrowing network were proud of. GO students have equipment to local schools. It wasnt until 2012a 78% attainment rate for completing the HSC on Gadigal Country (Sydney) that Michael andcompared to 66% nationally for Aboriginal and Adam established the GO Foundation and focusedTorres Strait Islander students, with an attendance its mission on empowering through education,rate of 90% or above compared to a national rate of supporting mob in their journey through school andjust over 80%. We know there is so much more to university. GO marked its first cohort of scholarshipcreating a positive, enriching educational journey, recipients in 2014.but these numbers are important reminders of how impactful our Program can be. 20 GO FOUNDATION"