b"Statement of Financial PositionFor the year ended 30 June 2023In AUD20232022Assets Cash and cash equivalents 4,895,267 4,211,740Trade and other receivables 146,852 143,430Financial assets 2,038,045 1,972,071Total current assets 7,080,164 6,327,241Property, plant and equipment 12,521 5,191Total non-current assets 12,521 5,191Total assets 7,092,685 6,332,432LiabilitiesContract liabilities and other revenue received in advance305,166 426,311Employee benefits 68,449 67,811Trade and other payables 63,461 34,818Total current liabilities 437,076 528,940Employee benefits 2,302 1,147Total non-current liabilities 2,302 1,147Total liabilities 439,378 530,087Net assets 6,653,307 5,802,345Members' fundsRetained surplus 6,653,307 5,802,345Total Members' funds 6,653,307 5,802,345Funds we spent Funds we received as a percentage of total expenses as a percentage of total income43% Program 33% Government grants43% Personnel 17% Corporate partnerships2% Research 34%Donations (philanthropic, individual donations 5% Admin and donations from 1% Technology corporates)17% Fundraising events7% Fundraising2023 ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 45"